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Day 49: Making time for ourselves

“Can you believe it’s nearly June?” a girl asked her friend as they stood in front of me, queuing for a movie ticket. I found myself in as much disbelief as they were. But I was astonished by their observation – I am in my thirties, and these girls would have been less than ten years old. When I was ten, time seemed to drag, birthdays took forever to arrive, and Christmas was always an eternity away.

I wonder whether our 24/7 contactable lives speed up time? And, if we took just a few minutes for ourselves each day, would we indeed find more time?

Sometimes, we need to book in time for ourselves, and what better way to do this than with a book? Reading focuses our minds and transports us to a place that is created from what we choose to read.

Take time to make time for yourself, and book in with a book!

Until tomorrow,


Image: Tumblr

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