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This week: 2 ways to shake up school lunch!

Happy kids are healthy kids,  and what our children eat plays an important role in their well being. But what to do when the school lunch box returns untouched?

It’s difficult to come up with interesting and yummy lunches that kids want to devour, but it IS possible! Giving your kids a say in what to have for lunch can make a big difference. They will feel involved, and that simple buy-in can make a big difference.

Here’s two easy ways to get your children involved in their lunch box

1. Salad jars – make a tick-the-box list of 5 salad vegetables and have your child choose three. Make a salad jar with the ingredients they’ve chosen, add some protein with cheese or eggs, and name the salad after them!

2. Fried rice salad with egg and vegetables – Have your child choose three veggies they’d like in their friend rice. Have them help you prepare a large batch, and freeze into lunch size portions.

School lunch can be delicious and healthy, and having your kids decide what’s in it may be the secret ingredient to make lunch disappear!



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