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Day 20: Herbie’s new friend, Bee

Herbert Peabody has a new neighbour – Bee! And Bee is the main character in Herbie’s new book.

I wanted to share the importance of bees with Herbie’s young readers because bees are vital to sustaining our food system. Almonds, pumpkins, blueberries and apples are just some of the crops that are 100% reliant on pollination. Without bees, these foods simply would not exist.

Recently, bee populations around the world have been in decline, and no one can be sure why. Use of pesticides and changes in weather patterns have been identified as potential reasons. But whatever the cause, we need to be aware, and we need our children to be aware of this problem. Because it is our children that ultimately have the capacity to ensure the future for our food, and that means looking after the bee population.

Until tomorrow,



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