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Day 33: How did Herbie come about?

Today I want to share how Herbert Peabody came to be. It was while I was sitting in the garden at our farm, which just happens to be very much like Herbert Peabody’s farm. I have always appreciated healthy food and developed a marketing career across several food companies in Australia, including dairy and fruit juice businesses. I always enjoyed communicating and freelanced in ad agencies across France, Singapore and Australia. And I loved being read to when I was little, especially books with pictures.

It’s fabulous to see the interest in growing food at home. Studies have shown that if children get involved with growing and preparing food at a young age, they’re more likely to try different dishes. While there’s plenty of motivation for adults, I saw an opportunity to inspire kids to grow their own food through having someone that they could identify with.

And that’s why I created Herbert Peabody – to share his magic of growing food with children.

Until tomorrow,


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