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Day 47: Sweet enough, naturally

I love pears, especially the beurre bosc varietal. They are the colour of comfort food, and that was tonight’s dessert: diced pears cooked on the stove with butter, caramelised in their own natural sugar.

My mum has type one diabetes so when we were growing up, we rarely added sugar to our dessert. Peaches straight from the backyard tree were incredibly sweet, and when we’d gorged all summer, we would stew the remaining harvest and freeze for the winter. When it was cold, Nan would make a simple cake batter sweetened with honey to drizzle over the thawed peach stew. She would place it in a hot oven, and in fifteen minutes, peach pudding would be served with a dollop of cream.

This evening we’d run out of cream, so I served our caramelised pears with a dash of full cream milk. It coated them and made almost a custard, giving a sweet end to dinner, with no added sugar.

Until tomorrow,


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