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Day 54: 3 reasons why I love writing

I’ve always loved to create. As a child, I would choreograph jazz ballet routines for my reflection in the family room windows, write poetry on scraps of paper, and tell original stories to my little sister.

As an author, I am both elated and humbled that you are reading my work, and here’s why I love writing:

1. It is a creative outlet that allows me to express my thoughts in a measured manner. I put my thoughts down, read what I’ve written, and polish my work so it is succinct.

2. Writing allows me to think about topics I may otherwise not engage with. My publicist, the fabulous Scott Eathorne of Quikmark Media, provides me with subjects to write about which sees me think laterally.

3. It helps me learn. I research topics to discover facts and then form opinions on them. I contribute to conversations with my family and friends, and it’s satisfying to discover things I did not know.

Writing is rewarding and therapeutic, and I thoroughly recommend you try it too!

Until tomorrow,


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