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Family History. And, a Herbert Peabody segment for your child to listen to.

Herbert Peabody is very lucky to have a fortnightly radio segment on country radio. Herbie/I (!) discuss ideas with wonderful host, Cynthia, before getting into Wardrobe Studios (because clothes absorb excess sound!) to record a five to seven minute segment.

Last week, I decided to road test one of Herbert Peabody’s activities – Interview Your Grandparents – but with an alteration. I interviewed my parents.

Mum and Dad are in their early seventies, and grandparents to my niece and nephew. They were very excited to be interviewed! Mum grew up in the city, and Dad on a farm, and we were all interested to find out how different things were for them.

Mum went to see Queen Elizabeth when she was in Grade 1. Dad used to board the farm bus that his mum drove to school. Mum would take homemade apricot pie in her lunchbox. Dad partnered a classmate in a debutante ball.

They both loved peanut butter sandwiches, were thrilled buying boiled lollies in a paper bag, and chose English as their favourite subject.

We all laughed until our cheeks hurt when Mum described her brother playing the kettle drum at school assembly, and when Dad relayed he and his friend, Brian, turned their noses up at soggy tomato sandwiches.

Talking about childhood transported us all to a time when we were kids, and our worlds were family and school.

We are lucky to have learned to read and write. We are fortunate to have food to eat. And we are blessed to have family and friends.

Herbert Peabody enjoyed interviewing his grandparents, and we received some lovely comments from the radio segment. So here it is.

Note: Grandma and Grandpa Peabody have very similar answers to the interview I conducted :o) And, here’s a link to Herbie’s interview sheet

Herbert Peabody appeared every second Thursday on Seymour FM 103.9on through 2020 with the food eXchange. Discover the incredible things the food exchange does right here

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